Products: Smaller product image size
To reduce the size of your main product image, you can make this code customization.
Result after:
How to:
Option 1: Product pages and homepage featured product
This version will change the size on all your product pages and if you have any homepage featured products.
/* -- code to make product image smaller -- */ .product__slides.product-single__photos.slick-slider.slick-dotted, .product__slides.product-single__photos.slick-slider { max-width:400px; margin: auto !important; } /* - end - */
Option 2: Homepage featured product only
This version will only change the size for the homepage featured product leaving the production pages at the regular size.
/* -- code to make product image smaller -- */ .template-index .product__slides.product-single__photos.slick-slider.slick-dotted, .template-index .product__slides.product-single__photos.slick-slider { max-width:400px; margin: auto !important; } /* - end - */
The value 400px; can be adjusted to your preference.
Where do I add the code?
Use this link to learn where exactly to add this code snippet: