Tutorial: Create a non-full width homepage slideshow
If you'd like to have a homepage slideshow that's not full-width, here is a section module you can add. In this tutorial we will add a new section allowing you to choose the regular full-width version or a new version that's not full width.
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Create a new section
Open your Code Editor.
From your list of themes, find the Actions link for the theme you'd like to edit. Then select Edit code. Example draft theme:
Example if you're working from your main live/published theme:
Quick link if the theme is live/published:
Open Code Editor
In the Sections folder, choose Add a new section:
Call the section:
Use the Create section button to complete.
Erase all the default code that generated:
Replace the default code with the code from this file:
Pipeline 5.0 and higher:
Click to view code
Earlier versions of Pipeline:
Click to view code
Save the file after replace code.
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Add the new section in the Theme Editor
Use the Custom Theme option in the top right corner of the Code Editor:
Next, in the Theme Editor under Sections:
Choose Add section:
You will now have a new section to choose "Slideshow with wrapper":
Add that and you can customize it with all the same options of the regular slideshow. This version will not be full-width.
Example on a page: