Button: Add a Call to Action button to your homepage

We have created a supplementary section you can add to your theme which allows you to add one or up to three buttons as a section on the homepage. There is a title option included. 


Button only - Leave heading blank:

Left alignment:

Multiple buttons:

Heading styles:

How to add the Call to Action section:

You will need to use the Code Editor to create the new section before using it. These instructions are basic and require basic knowledge of using the Shopify Code Editor. 


Create a new section

Open the Code Editor for your theme:

In the Sections folder, choose Add a new section:

Call the section:



Use the Create section button to complete. 

Erase all the default code that generated:

Replace the default code with all of the code from this file (Click the link to view the code):


Pipeline 5.0 and higher:
Click to view code


Earlier versions of Pipeline:
Click to view code

Save the file:


Add the Section in the Theme Editor

Open the Theme Editor (Customize theme):

Under Sections:

Choose Add section:

Under the new category "Button", choose "Call to Action":

Once you've added the section, you'll be able to customize the section. Experiment with the various settings. You can add up to three buttons under Content: