Instagram integration in 2020 and beyond

Instagram has permanently shutdown the API that was available to Shopify themes. Here is the official announcement from Shopify:

This applies to all Shopify themes including Pipeline and Story.

Tips to prevent Instagram feed issues

To prevent having an empty Instagram feed on this section of your storefront, you should delete the Instagram feed section on any pages it appears within your theme by following these steps:

1. In your Admin, navigate to Online Store > Customize.
2. Locate the Instagram section within the Theme Editor.
3. Remove the Instagram section where it appears on all pages.

How to display an Instagram feed moving forward:

Our friends at Maestroo have built a free app that perfectly replaces the Instagram section. You can download it here:

We do recommend this app by Maestroo as it's simple to setup and best of all, free.

Other App options

There are additional app options to integrate Instagram in your theme. Here, you'll find Shopify's full selection:

Instagram Apps

Instagram Token generator

Our Instagram token generator for theme feeds has been decommissioned in efforts to move forward with Shopify's new direction with apps for Instagram.